Blog Entry
Monday, April 23, 2007
I really enjoyed the duo makeup session I had with Joy too. Since her house was so far from office, I actually invited her to my house so that she could take a bath and be well-prepared for the night rather than staying in the office alone. And we were like 'make-up idiots', trying out different eye shadows and lip sticks.
This dinner and dance was pretty cool in the sense that people from Osim and GNC came together. It was a great time getting to know people and building lots of good friendship. The food was awesome, especially the Sharkfins soup and the seafood salad. It tasted so much like Heaven. And then there was a 45 minutes magic show, followed by lots and lots of games. The atmosphere was great cos everyone was so enthusiastic in the games and the dance.
Looking back, well although it's not too far back, I'm glad that the good God has sustained me thus far. I'm already closed to 7 months in GNC. Cant believe that time has passed so fast. I've truely learnt much- the hard way!!!Haha.
posted by The voice within @ 9:46 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
At the Cross
We had loads of fun at Li Ying's 21st bdae party. The baby of our group has grown up into a fine young lady, while the rest of us are in the midst of the ageing process. But truely, isnt the feeling just right now since we are no longer small little kids but young adults?=) It was a great time of catching up with one another about our lives. What a blessing to have them around!
And throughout this week, I got the chance to also catch up with my ex-colleagues for dinner too. They have been a bunch of great joy to me, always instilling this zest of pure happiness into my life. I'm gonna miss them.
This week was pretty smooth sailing for me in terms of work. Had a fair share of hard work and laughter/ fun. So glad I'm getting the hang out of things.
Although things are pretty alright, I know that I'm also in the midst of testing. I feel that I'm in this struggle where I know and I want to do good to this particular person. But I feel I can't. Like what is said in Romans: The things you want to do, you do not do. However, the things that you should not do, this I keep on doing. It's really a challenge not to be Christian only by name but to be a Christian where Christ reigns and rules in my life. A life that is pleasing and acceptable to Him...A life that counts for God in every situation.
Last Sunday's sermon really spoke to me. Pastor was preeching about having a santuary that you could go to. It may not always be the church. For Jonah, his santuary was in the big fish, for Daniel, his santuary was in the lion's den. Well, I guess my santuary would be anywhere that brings me a step closer to creation. I love nature so perhaps for me, it would be the Singapore River. A santuary should be a place where you can meet God and tell him all that is bottling within your inner being. It's also a place where it points you back to the cross, knowing again that there's no greater love than this. There's nothing that will seperate me from His love, His grace and His mercy. It is also at the cross where the veil is tored, because God has made a way. Indeed, everything was done on the cross for us. How much more should we be grateful for the price Christ had paid. I'm amazed once again.
Visiting Bugis at 2pm
posted by The voice within @ 7:13 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The result of being 'so into it'
I love reality cos it always shows how bad I am at daydreaming. It strucks me like no one else business. Knowing later that I've been fooled is really no joke. Hacked it!!!
posted by The voice within @ 8:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 12, 2007
He Chose the nails
Hi people,
Would like to share this powerful website with you. It talks about God's love for us on the cross for you and me. How much more should we live our life for Christ? The answer is just a click away. Enjoy and may you be blessed!
posted by The voice within @ 9:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I love New York Cafe and everything in it. The ambience is pretty good with cosy sofas to sit on. And the food was awesome. I quite like the way the pasta is done. The composition of cheese is just nice, not so cheesy to the extent that you are 'cheese overdose'. Of course, with the company of my secondary school friends, the night complete. It's with so much ease and comfort with these 2 lovely ladies that allows me to stay true to who I really am.
I hope the one who left for Outer Space will come back soon.
posted by The voice within @ 3:16 AM 1 comments