Blog Entry
Friday, July 07, 2006
Trust His Heart
I'm really pissed off with my work this week. Perhaps I'm really not used to working in a female environment. What one of my friend said was right. He mentioned that when girls say 1, it means 2. When girls say 2, it means 3. Girls like to twist and turn situations around. I'm a girl and I should be defending myself rather than saying all these. Well, but I have to admit that all girls including myself are complicated creatures. Working with guys in any company would definitely be a far better choice cos they help neutralise the bitchy sides of girls. 'Sickening' is the word used to describe what I'm feeling now. I mean...yeah...I'm very disgusted by what had happened this few days. All the blames were pushed to me for bloody reasons even though it was not my fault at all. Oh, so you call this justice? I'm just hoping that justice can prevail. Perhaps, through it all, I've grown to be someone stronger...someone who is able to stand up for what's right and stick to my principles. I guessed that's the most important thing at the end of the day that if my conscience is right before God and myself, why should I care what others say? God, you be my strength cos I can't handle it alone. Sad things aside...
The weekend was spent at Aloysius' birthday party. It was really great catching up with Jac, Weng chun (Mr Crappy), Ying Zhao and Aloysius. I can't wait to upload that picture we took that day.
Felix caught my surprise when he told me that he is giving me his NDP tickets for tomorrow's prevail. I'm so excited because it's been about 4 years since I last went.
posted by The voice within @
9:37 AM