Blog Entry
Friday, September 23, 2005
Once again
I have been feeling rather down this few days. Somehow, i felt that there's no purpose in life. Never in my life have I had this feeling. I just got to blame it on hormonal changes. I woke up early yesterday to meet my major project's supervisor and evaluator for project interview. Thoughout the interview, I was just talking crap la. I did flipped through my notes on the way to school, hoping that I could secure a pass for my interview. But the interviewer just simply bombarded us with questions like 'how do you know you can ensure that 60% of the therapeutic patients will benefit from the nutrient analysis and information?' I was really stunned. Major project is not a module that is that easy to pass........oh well........
Yesterday, results were out. It was not as scary as compared to previous semesters as the sms only showed the results of 2 modules instead of other semesters, where there were 6-8 modules. I got myself a B for Food Safety and a Pass for Student Internship project. Indeed, I was very satisfied, but on the other hand, who would want to have just a B? Nonetheless, I thanked God for seeing me through this semester. It was a semester of moulding and shaping especially during my attachment days. The job was doable and I actually enjoyed. However, the thing that pissed me off was the people. Them minority of them treated me like a maid. They threw rubbish on the floor and ask me to clear. I was tasked to guard doors at times (Hello, am I a dog? Even dogs have better life) When my superior passed me a squashed piece of paper, I'm supposed to throw it away without him saying. Floors were swept and mopped on alternate days. There were much more. At times, I would just rush to the toilet to cry, to let it all out. I felt humiliated and ill- treated. But through it all, as I looked back, I noticed that in every step of the way, God has been there. I always wondered even up till today, how did I ever survive such a job? The answer is simple. It is by God's grace, mercy and His all- surpassing love for me. All ended well, and I'm glad.
Oh, this entry is going to be lengthy cos I have not pen down my thoughts for quite sometime. Went with Sharon, Qifeng and his cousin to Sentosa to sun tann yesterday too. The weather was super duper HOT. We had a great time under the sun. And the new toilet at Siloso is cool. Check it out. =)
Cell group at Uncle Henry and Aunty Carol's house was good. It was the first time that we had a combine cell group. It's great to see the YA coming together to praise our God, to dwell in one another's fellowship, to pray for one another, to encourage and to grow strongly in the Lord. I was touched by all of the worship songs that were sung. Some of the phrases that I felt God was speaking to me was 'Comfort, heal, restore with love'; 'Breathe on me, breath of God'; 'I lay it all down again, to hear you say that I'm your friend'; 'Help me find the way to bring me back to you'; 'To behold the beauty, the beauty of the Lord'; 'I'm in that place once again'; 'Thank you for the cross my friend'. It is always times like this, that will bring me back to God and to hear Him speak again. Following, we had a group session where we were supposed to relate a colour to 5 person, and also to state the strength of each person. For our group, we also stated our individual weakness, so that we could be humble and not to be egoistic. Amy describes me silver- quiet, wild at times, have a sense of self- control, knows what I'm doing. Jiawei said my colour was green- caring. Aunty Carol also said that I'm a 'green' person...can't remember her reason, oh ya, she said I was gentle...wahaha. Johnathan said that I'm realistic. Jacob said that I'm friendly (Haha, I can be dao if I want too k). Its so interesting to just state the good of people, to build one another up with words of loving kindness rather than to tear people down. That's the challenge!
posted by The voice within @ 8:05 PM 0 comments